I have always been one of those people who is committed to doing the right thing, which is one of the reasons I was so taken off guard by accusations that I had broken the law. I knew that I had to work hard to prove my innocence, so I started looking around for places that could help. I was able to find a great general attorney in my area who really seemed to understand what I was up against, and it was really incredible to work with him. He helped me with everything from working with my employer to knowing which bills to pay, and I was really grateful. Check out this blog for more information.

Why Truck Accidents Are Different From Car Accidents

17 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Truck accidents, as well as their ensuing injury claims, are way different from ordinary car accidents. Knowing what these differences are will help you greatly in pursuit of your injury compensation. Here are some of the major areas where truck accidents and car accidents differ: Liability Issues Tends To Be Complex The number of people who may be held liable for a truck accident is higher than the number of people who may be held liable for a typical car accident. Read More …

Can You Get A DUI From Cough Syrup?

15 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Driving under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous for anyone. No matter how careful you are, the risk of getting into an accident or hurting someone is very high. However, alcohol is not the only thing that can affect your driving. Over-the-counter drugs such cold medicine, cough syrup, and many others can just as easily affect your level of focus and alertness when taken excessively. In many states, driving under the influence of drugs is treated the same as and sometimes worse than driving under the influence of alcohol. Read More …

Is A Whiplash Injury Really Serious Enough To Require An Attorney’s Help?

15 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A lot of people who have been injured in a car accident dread hearing the words, "You have whiplash," because that's just the sort of injury that people who've never experienced one will accuse someone of making up just to try to make an easy grab for some insurance money. However, a whiplash injury is anything but easy. In fact, whiplash can have devastating short-term effects on your life, and the long-term effects of unresolved whiplash can be even worse. Read More …

Social Media And Your Divorce: What You Need To Know

13 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are getting divorced, most divorce attorneys recommend that you stay off of social media or, at the very least, significantly limit what you post to social media websites. This leaves many people with questions about why, what they can and cannot post and how social media can affect their divorce. Here are a few of the questions you may have and the answers to these questions.  Why You Should Watch What You Post Read More …

Working Out Child Custody In Different States

13 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

One parent moving to another state may not be avoidable due to career. If you and another parent will wind up in different states, co parenting is still very important. Child custody arrangements can become a little more complex if one of the parents have to leave the state, which means that the agreements will have to change. If you are interested in a child custody agreement that will change because of moving across state lines, here are some ways to work out custody. Read More …